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COVID-19 UPDATE #1 || May 6, 2020


The COVID-19 pandemic is greatly impacting the lives of vulnerable Dominican and Haitian families living in the barrios served by the T.E.A.R.S. Foundation and Partners in Deed.  Food insecurity, along with the loss of jobs/income has resulted in families being unable to access or afford even the most basic resources. T.E.A.R.S. is distributing food and water to some of the most at-risk families, but their funds will be depleted within the next week.


The upcoming weeks are a critical time to protect and save lives by providing emergency funding for food, clean water, basic health supplies and medical treatment. Partners in Deed is working to immediately raise funds for relief efforts. T.E.A.R.S. and the local church will use the funds to meet priority needs of those children and families at greatest risk in the Maria Auxiliadora, Juan Bosch and Soto barrios.


Initial funds have been raised through the Partners in Deed volunteer board.  We also want to give the larger supporting community the opportunity to contribute to meet these pressing needs.


You can donate by auto deposit e-transfer directly from your bank or through CanadaHelps on our DONATE page. Please designate your donation as TEARS Emergency Relief Fund.


Thank you.

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